Saturday, September 10, 2016

Urban Destruction

Sunčan dan. Luda odevna kombinacija neobičnog printa i jakih boja. Interesantni detalji. Još interesantnija lokacija. I, naravno, moja malenkost pred objektivom drage Natalije. Bio je to pravi užitak!

Sunny day. Crazy and colourful outfit with an unusual print. Interesting details. Even more interesting location. And, of course, me in the front of the lens of my dear friend Natalija. That was a real pleasure!

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Ova ljupka letnja haljina je "ukradena" iz garderobera moje majke. Potiče još iz njenih devojačkih dana. Nije podlegla zubu vremena, već su je godine učinile još posebnijom. Plavookim ljudima je veoma blizak tirkiz. Zbog neobičnog printa detalji su svedeni na minimum. Tu su i choker od crnog pliša, zlatne lenon naočare, kao i par belih platnenih tenisica. Nadam se da vam se dopada!

This lovely summer dress was "stolen" from my mother's wardrobe. The dress comes from her young days. It didn't succumb to the ravages of time; on the contrary, age made her more special. Turquoise is very close to the blue-eyed people. Because of unusual print, I light the details to a minimum. There is also a black plush choker, golden Lennon sunglasses and a pair of white tennis sneakers. Hope you like it!




Dress: My mother's wardrobe
Sneakers: H&M
Sunglasses: H&M
Choker: H&M

Photos: Natalija Milić


  1. Nice dress.
    How about we follow each other on bloglovin'? Follow me and I'll follow back.

  2. So gorgeous.. you look amazing! You have such a lovely blog here, keep up your amazing work pretty lady! x
